Fixed Income Portfolios

The fixed income portfolios, also known by their initials "FIPs", seek to free the investor of the task of constructing a bond portfolio. This service represent sets of 10 to 12 corporate individual bonds with investment grade credit ratings and a ladder maturity structure created to generate constant and periodic cash flows.


  • Selection, execution, management and monitoring services of your bond portfolio.
  • The construction of the portfolio is based on predefined risk parameters.
  • Fundamental analysis of the considered issuers and our very own credit analysis methodology.


The fixed income portfolios (FIPs) represent an active core for both cautious and aggresive investors.

Currently, we offer three differente types of FIPs based on their maturity structures. Our strategies distribute the capital among several bonds with ladder maturities with the intention of keeping them until their final maturity date.

The FIP 2-5 includes bonds that mature within 2 to 5 years.

The FIP 5-10 incorporates bonds that mature within 5 to 10 years.

The FIP 8-12 is formed by bonds with maturities within 8 to 12 years.


Download and consult the product information document.

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