
Our complementary Services and Products are carefully focused delivering added-value to our clients

Mutual Fund Portfolios

Fund Portfolios are an excellent option to achieve maximum global diversification at the hands of professional managers.

Fixed Income Portfolios

The fixed income portfolio is a high-value option for clients wishing to concentrate part or all of their assets in investment-grade bonds with a constant cash flow

Brokerage Services

We offer a platform for the purchase, sale and custody of securities in international markets and financial products.

Structured Products

Structured products represent an attractive supplement to direct financial assets such as equities, bonds, currencies etc. Discover new perspectives and appropriate investment solutions with these innovative and flexible investment instruments, even in challenging market environments.

Lombard Loans

Fast and easy access to credits through Lombard Loans by using your financial assets as collateral.

Foreign Currency Transactions

We offer access through our treasury to the market in various foreign currencies (USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, JPY, Gold) for Spot and Forward transactions.

Multi-Currency Account

Consider a foreign currency account to manage your money across multiple currencies and meet your personal or business forex needs.

Debit Card

The Maestro card is your universal means of payment; you can use it anytime for cash withdrawals or purchases in shops wherever you are

Mercantil, empowering your world